Second Grade
Map Skills Lesson
Accessing Prior Knowledge

Click on the picture to the left to open up the link to a TumbleBook on-line library book. You will need to click on the Tumble Books Icon on the left side. Once you are on the Tumble Books website, you will need to search for the book in the search box. First use the drop down arrow to select Title. Then type in Oliver. Click on Play book to open the book in the Tumble Book website. Follow along as the book is read aloud to you. Then try to answer the following question:
What navigation tool do you think Oliver K. Woodman used to find his way from South Carolina to California?
What navigation tool do you think Oliver K. Woodman used to find his way from South Carolina to California?
Building Understanding

Click here to watch a video about how to read a map. You will need to enter a password from the Password Handout given to you in class. There are many activities for you to do that go along with this movie. Please complete these activities in the following order:
-Watch the movie.
-Click on Belly Up to read a comic strip.
-Click on Activity to print out a map. Find the treasure and mark your paper with an X (pencils are in the container in the front of the lab).
-Click on Games and complete a map puzzle on line. You will need to drag and drop the puzzle pieces.
-Click on Word Wall to review MAP SKILLS vocabulary.
-Click on Pop a Joke for a quick laugh.
-Click on the Write About It link to practice your keyboarding skills and to reply to the following prompt:
Describe what a Compass Rose is. How is it used? How do people use maps? Why are maps important?
-Click on either Hard Quiz or Easy Quiz (based on what your teacher advises you to do) to take an on-line Map Skills Assessment. When you have finished the quiz, you will need to type in your FIRST and LAST NAME before you print it. Turn your quiz into your teacher.
-Watch the movie.
-Click on Belly Up to read a comic strip.
-Click on Activity to print out a map. Find the treasure and mark your paper with an X (pencils are in the container in the front of the lab).
-Click on Games and complete a map puzzle on line. You will need to drag and drop the puzzle pieces.
-Click on Word Wall to review MAP SKILLS vocabulary.
-Click on Pop a Joke for a quick laugh.
-Click on the Write About It link to practice your keyboarding skills and to reply to the following prompt:
Describe what a Compass Rose is. How is it used? How do people use maps? Why are maps important?
-Click on either Hard Quiz or Easy Quiz (based on what your teacher advises you to do) to take an on-line Map Skills Assessment. When you have finished the quiz, you will need to type in your FIRST and LAST NAME before you print it. Turn your quiz into your teacher.
Understand Map Symbols on Adventure Island Map

Play this interactive on-line game on National Geographic's Website called Maps: Tools for Adventure to practice identifying map symbols and navigating a map using map symbols accurately.
Using a Grid to Read a Map

Click on the image to the left to navigate to this interactive map to learn how to use a grid to locate places on a map. You will also need your knowledge of how to use a map key to help you with this activity. Click on the sound icons next to each set of directions to hear the words read aloud to you.
Understanding Longitude and Latitude

Click on the image to the left to practice identifying Longitude and Latitude to find a location on a map. This website will open in a separate tab within your browser.
Investigate Places in YOUR Local Community

Use Google Maps to locate specific places in your community!
Click here to view Haledon Public School on the map.
Click here to view the Haledon Public Library on the map.
Click here to view the United States Post Office in Haledon, New Jersey on the map.
Click here to view the American Labor Museum in Haledon, New Jersey on the map.
Click here to find your house by typing your address.
Click here to view Haledon Public School on the map.
Click here to view the Haledon Public Library on the map.
Click here to view the United States Post Office in Haledon, New Jersey on the map.
Click here to view the American Labor Museum in Haledon, New Jersey on the map.
Click here to find your house by typing your address.
Map Skills Reading Comprehension

Click on the image to the left to navigate to a short reading passage. It will not open up in a separate tab. You will need to click on the BACK arrow at the top right of your browser to return to this webpage. Read the passage quietly to yourself.
Then click on this link to take a short reading quiz. Don't forget to submit your work!
Create a Map
Create a Map of the Primary Computer Lab using this on-line map creation tool. To get started, click on the picture to the left.
Apply Your Map Skills

Click on the image to the left to navigate to this interactive Map. Here you will need to recall and implement all of your map skills.
Step 1: Click on BEGIN LAND ADVENTURE. Take the PRESIDENTIAL ROUTE to navigate your way around the United States to view various US Landmarks.
Step 2: Click on BEGIN LAND ADVENTURE. Take the ANCIENT CITIES ROUTE to navigate your way around the world to view various ancient cities.
Step 3: Click on BEGIN LAND ADVENTURE. Take the MARCO POLO ROUTE to navigate your way through the travels of Marco Polo.
Step 4: Click on BEGIN SEA ADVENTURE. Take the CARIBBEAN ISLANDS ROUTE to navigate the travels of ancient pirates.
Step 5: Click on BEGIN SEA ADVENTURE. Take the POLYNESIAN ISLANDS ROUTE to navigate the through the islands.
Step 6: Click on BEGIN SEA ADVENTURE. Take the ARCTIC TO AMAZON ROUTE to navigate from the icebergs of the arctic to the rivers of the Amazon River.
Step 1: Click on BEGIN LAND ADVENTURE. Take the PRESIDENTIAL ROUTE to navigate your way around the United States to view various US Landmarks.
Step 2: Click on BEGIN LAND ADVENTURE. Take the ANCIENT CITIES ROUTE to navigate your way around the world to view various ancient cities.
Step 3: Click on BEGIN LAND ADVENTURE. Take the MARCO POLO ROUTE to navigate your way through the travels of Marco Polo.
Step 4: Click on BEGIN SEA ADVENTURE. Take the CARIBBEAN ISLANDS ROUTE to navigate the travels of ancient pirates.
Step 5: Click on BEGIN SEA ADVENTURE. Take the POLYNESIAN ISLANDS ROUTE to navigate the through the islands.
Step 6: Click on BEGIN SEA ADVENTURE. Take the ARCTIC TO AMAZON ROUTE to navigate from the icebergs of the arctic to the rivers of the Amazon River.
Play Some On-Line Maps Games:
Directions: Click on each image below to navigate to different internet-based map skills games. Each game will open up in a separate tab.