Math Dictionary and Printable Charts:
Mixed Math Skills:
Basic Math Facts Practice:

A Plus Math - Build your Math Facts Skills here! Visit this page for interactive flashcards on Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. Set the cards to specific facts to hone in on your skills! Have fun computing!

Math Mania -Visit this page for printable and online timed tests for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You will also find many other math topics to investigate and practice.

Fact Monster (Interactive Math Flashcards) - Build your math facts automaticity now! Visit this page for online flashcards for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You will also find lots of other resources to investigate and practice.
Multiplication Interactive On-line and Off-line Activities:
Multiplication Words:
Before focusing on memorization and automaticity of multiplication facts, students need to develop their understanding of multiplication. Use the words to the left as you illustrate, explore, and manipulate objects to show different representations of multiplication. Using the multiplication matching cards available for download below will aid in the development of a deeper understanding of multiplication for your students. Students should also work with hands-on manipulatives to create visual representations of multiplication facts (Use different tactile materials such as popsicle sticks, art pompoms, small pieces of colored yarn, cereal, pasta, buttons, beads, counting blocks, connecting cubes, magnets, etc.).