Digital Citizenship- Rings of Responsibility Lesson:
Students will be able to:
- Examine both in-person and online responsibilities.
- Describe the Rings of Responsibility as a way to think about how our behavior affects ourselves and others.
- Identify examples of online responsibilities to others.
Standards: This lesson meets standards for Common Core ELA, NJ Student Learning Standards in ELA, Technology & 21st Century Life & Careers, CASEL, AASL and ISTE.
Watch the following two videos as the drop of water, pebble, or stone are dropped into the water.
Watch the following video from Common Sense Media:
Link To A Possible Response
- In the online world, we might think that what we do affects only ourselves. However, it is also important that we think about others as well.
- In this lesson, students will learn about a framework, called the RINGS OF RESPONSIBILITY, to understand how to balance their responsibilities as digital citizens. The key is in understanding how the ripple effect of our actions affects both ourselves and others.
Watch the following video to Explain What the RINGS OF RESPONSIBILITY is:
What does each ring mean?
Now let's shift our thoughts to the online world . . .
Think..... How do you access the online world? What devices do you use in school? What devices do you use at home? Do you have internet access at home or while on the go? Do your parents or guardians monitor your online world or do they watch you as you interact in the digital world?
Think..... How do you access the online world? What devices do you use in school? What devices do you use at home? Do you have internet access at home or while on the go? Do your parents or guardians monitor your online world or do they watch you as you interact in the digital world?
Identify: Which of the RINGS OF RESPONSIBILITY does each of the statements below fit into (Self, Community, or World) ?
Independent Review/Additional Resources:
Check for Understanding:
We are going to use an online, interactive program, called Kahoot, to play a game. Your teacher will display a website URL and a special code so that you can access the game. Kahoot will display questions / scenarios on the Promethean Board and you will need to select which section of the Ring of Responsibility the scenario applies to. Good luck and have fun!
The assessment for this lesson will be posted within Google Classroom as a Google Form.
NOTE: If you are not a student of Mrs. Spalt's Computer class, please do not take this test. Your teacher will not receive your results.
Teachers who are using this site, please use my assessment as a model and re-create your own using Google Forms so that you receive your students' scores and can use the data to drive your own instruction. If this is not done and I continue to have others' test results in my data, I will have no choice but to password protect my entire website so only those who have the pass code will be able to access it (this is not something I wish to do as I would like to continue sharing my resources for free). Thank you.
Teachers who are using this site, please use my assessment as a model and re-create your own using Google Forms so that you receive your students' scores and can use the data to drive your own instruction. If this is not done and I continue to have others' test results in my data, I will have no choice but to password protect my entire website so only those who have the pass code will be able to access it (this is not something I wish to do as I would like to continue sharing my resources for free). Thank you.
The following two videos give specific instructions on how to create your own Rings o Have gf Responsibility using Microsoft Word. Feel free to follow these instructions on your own. There are two videos. Open Microsoft Word to a blank document before you start the first video. You will need to toggle between your web browser and Microsoft Word, stopping and starting the video as you follow each step in the directions. I don't suggest that you watch the video in it's entirety and then try to complete the assignment from memory. Remember to save your work!
Don't forget to print your project!
This lesson webpage was created using some of the free lesson content shared by Common Sense Education and other educators teaching Digital Citizenship skills. Content has been adapted by Amy Spalt for educational purposes.