Online Pianos
Computer Basics
PASSWORD: Computer Basics Video Clips
Mouse Control Skills
Mouse Skills-Holidays
Explore Digital Drawing Tools With the Berenstains
Learn the Keyboard
Two Handed Typing
Digital Citizenship w/ Jessie Friends
Charlie McButtons
A Big Decision
Jan Brett Books and Activities
ABC's and 123's
Phonemic Awareness
Kindergarten Math
Kindergarten Computer Activities- 1st MP
Sarah & Duck
Computers w/Sid
K-Language Adventures
Learn to Read
Peppa Pig Episodes w/Computers
Computer Parts Lesson
1- Remote Learning Lessons
First Grade- Substitute Lesson One
Common Sense Edu
Going Places Safely: K-2 :Unit1: Lesson1
Keep It Private Lesson
Keep It Private-Explain !
First Grade Learns the Keyboard
First Grade Math
Grade 1 Reading Skills
Phonemic Awareness
Internet Safety Lesson 1
Grade 2-Substitute Lesson
Grade 2- Keyboarding Basics
Keyboard Lesson- Shift Key
Keyboarding Lessons
Keyboarding Videos
Grade 2- Keyboarding-HOME ROW
Common Sense Edu
Staying Safe Online-K-2:Unit 2:Lesson1
Follow the Digital Trail-K-2:Unit 2:Lesson2
Mouse / Touchpad Skills
Second Grade Math
Beginning Digital Dictionary Skills
Map Skills Lesson
Digital Citizenship For Third
Rings of Responsibility
Password Power-Up
iKeepSafe.org Safety Lesson
Internet Safety Lesson
Acceptable Use Policy Lesson
Computer Basics
Input, Output, Processing & Storage Devices
Digital Citizenship for Fourth
Private & Personal Info.
Our Online Tracks
Chromebook Keyboard Shortcuts
Google Docs- Word Processing-Formatting
Blog Lesson
Profile Page-ReadWriteThink
Input and Output Devices
Internet Safety Lesson
Arrow Keys Practice
What is a Computer?
Computer Parts
Input & Output Devices
QWERTY Keyboard Info.
Keyboard Keys Lesson
Keyboarding Keys Assessment
Keyboarding Practice
Keyboard Keys Games
Computer Mouse Skills
Chromebook Touchpad
Chromebook Touchpad Pratice-Music Themed
Chromebook Touchpad Practice- ART Themed
Blogs & Blogging
"Bad Netiquette Stinks"
Internet Safety
Adventures in Internet Safety
NetSmartz Workshop: K-2 Four Rules of Internet Safety
Internet Safety with Router
Disney's Cyber Netiquette Comix
Hector's World
Cyber Cafe for Kids
The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin
Digital Footprint
Digital Citizenship
Out On a Limb; A Guide to Getting Along (Character Development)
Stop Bullying
Stop Cyberbullying
McGruff, the Crime Dog battles bullying and cyber-bullying
Professor Garfield's Cyberbullying Lesson
Evaluating A Website
Effective Research Methods
Screen Time
Faux Paw Goes to the Games
Copyright Law & Fair Use
Faux Paw and the Dangerous Download
Getting to Know Google Chrome
Google Chrome Browser
GIS In Action
Digital Story Telling
Digital Art Tools
Digital Maps Skills- Using GIS to Solve Real World Problems
Technology Changes
Telephone to Cell Phone
Marketing to Kids
Effective Web Searching
Kid Safe Search Engines
Digital Encyclopedias
Digital Dictionaries
Digital Thesauruses
Digital Databases
Digital Almanacs
Digital Atlases
News for Kids
Surfing the Calendar
Digital Recording Tools
Reading On Line
Book Reviews
Multi-Media Story Telling
Digital Math Manipulatives
Avatar Builders
Digital Comic Strip Creation Tools
Digital Timers
Indoor Recess Fun
Digital Puzzles
Computer History
Managing Screen Time
Augmented Reality
Interactive PARCC Practice Lessons
Grade 3 PARCC Practice
Grade 4 PARCC Practice
Grade 5 PARCC Practice
Middle School PARCC Practice
STAR Testing
Common Core State Standards-Skills Practice
Poem Generators
Computer Lab Favorites
Science for Kids
Our Solar System/ Planets
Healthy Kids
English Language Arts
English Language Arts and Technology Skills
Polar Express Tech Lesson
Valentine's Day
Read Across America
The Berenstain Bears' Computer Trouble
Good Night iPad
The 100th Day of School
Earth Day
Student Technology and Interest Survey
HOUR OF CODE Activities
Coding Glossary
Coding-Puzzle Solving Recipe
HPS Coding Club
Why Code? Articles
Course 2-Lesson 1
Course 2- Lesson 2
Coding-Course 3- Stage 1
Code for the Holidays
Valentine's Day Coding
St. Patrick's Day Coding
Coding-Earth Day w/Tynker
Code an Avatar!
H.P.S. Primary Computer Lab
Map Tools Reading Comprehension Quiz
After you have read the Map Skills Comprehension Story on PDF, fill in the boxes with your first and last name. Then answer each question carefully by clicking in the circle next to the correct answer. Last, you will need to click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the screen to turn in your quiz.
Indicates required field
What was the passage mostly about?
what blue lines on a map show
how difficult it is to read a map
tools that people can use to make maps
tools on maps and how they help peolpe
According to the passage, a map's key is ___________.
a piece of metal that will open treasure chests found on maps
a tool on a map that shows the diffeent directions
a tool on a map that shows what different markings mean
a piece of metal that can fit a lock used to protect a map
According to the passage, what is the one thing that a compase rose shows?
how far apart things are
how to find south on a map
Where to find the nearest flower shop
where rivers are on a map
What is the author's purpose for the passage?
to convince you to buy a map
to tell how maps and map tools can help you
to entertain you with a story about how people used maps incorrectly
to describe a place you may visit with a map
Which of the following is an opinion?
maps help people travel
map tools help people read maps
maps are hard to read
maps include keys and compass roses